
Fundamentals of Reinforcement Learning

Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute & University of Alberta

Discover the fundamentals of Reinforcement Learning in this comprehensive course. Reinforcement Learning is a vital subfield of Machine Learning and an essential formalism for automated decision-making and AI. Through this course, you will gain a deep understanding of statistical learning techniques, exploring how an agent interacts with the world and takes actions to make decisions.

  • Formalize problems as Markov Decision Processes
  • Understand basic exploration methods and the exploration/exploitation tradeoff
  • Comprehend the importance of value functions for optimal decision-making
  • Learn how to implement dynamic programming for efficient solution approaches

Upon completion of this course, you will be equipped to utilize Reinforcement Learning for real-world problems and specify Markov Decision Processes. Join us on this educational journey and empower yourself with the skills to tackle the challenges of interactive agents and intelligent decision-making.

Certificate Available ✔

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Fundamentals of Reinforcement Learning
Course Modules

This course comprises an introduction to Reinforcement Learning, including sequential decision-making, Markov Decision Processes, value functions, and dynamic programming. You will explore key concepts, classic and modern algorithms, and their applications in real-world problem-solving.

Welcome to the Course!

Specialization Introduction and Course Introduction

  • Discover the roadmap for your specialization
  • Meet the instructors and understand the course objectives
  • Get familiar with the Reinforcement Learning textbook and prerequisites

An Introduction to Sequential Decision-Making

An Introduction to Sequential Decision-Making

  • Learn about sequential decision-making and evaluative feedback
  • Explore action value estimation and the trade-off in decision-making
  • Understand the concepts of optimistic initial values and upper-confidence bound action selection

Markov Decision Processes

Markov Decision Processes

  • Gain insights into Markov Decision Processes and their significance
  • Explore examples of MDPs and the reward hypothesis in Reinforcement Learning
  • Complete graded assignments to describe and analyze MDPs

Value Functions & Bellman Equations

Value Functions & Bellman Equations

  • Understand the concept of value functions and their role in decision-making
  • Explore the history of Reinforcement Learning and the derivation of Bellman equations
  • Learn about optimal policies and their connection to value functions

Dynamic Programming

Dynamic Programming

  • Differentiate between policy evaluation and control
  • Explore iterative policy evaluation, policy improvement, and policy iteration
  • Understand the efficiency and flexibility of dynamic programming in decision-making
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