
Machine Learning: Algorithms in the Real World

Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute

This specialization, offered by the Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute, is designed for professionals seeking to leverage machine learning for data analysis and automation in diverse fields such as finance, medicine, engineering, and business. Through a series of four courses, learners will embark on a journey to master the techniques required to build and deploy machine learning projects in real-world scenarios.

  • Clearly define an ML problem
  • Survey available data resources and identify potential ML applications
  • Prepare data for effective ML applications
  • Turn a business need into a machine learning application

Throughout the specialization, participants will gain essential skills in problem definition, data preparation, supervised learning, data analysis, and optimizing machine learning performance. By the end of the program, learners will be adept at anticipating and mitigating common pitfalls encountered in applied machine learning, thereby ensuring the successful implementation and maintenance of machine learning projects.

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Machine Learning: Algorithms in the Real World
Course Modules

The Applied Machine Learning Specialization consists of four courses that cover problem definition, supervised learning, data analysis, and optimization in machine learning projects.

Introduction to Applied Machine Learning

This course introduces professionals to problem definition and data preparation in the context of machine learning projects. Learners will gain the ability to clearly define a machine learning problem, survey available data resources, and prepare data for effective machine learning applications. The course sets the foundation for the subsequent modules in the specialization.

Machine Learning Algorithms: Supervised Learning Tip to Tail

Learners will delve into supervised learning techniques, exploring real case studies and analyzing business scenarios. They will gain practical skills in implementing decision trees, k-nearest neighbors, and support vector machines, while also learning to address common production issues in applied machine learning. Prior knowledge of Python programming and basic understanding of linear algebra and statistics are recommended for this course.

Data for Machine Learning

Participants will focus on understanding the critical elements of data in the learning, training, and operation phases of applied machine learning. The course equips learners with the skills to mitigate biases, improve model generality, tackle overfitting, and enhance model accuracy through thoughtful feature engineering. Additionally, they will explore the impact of algorithm parameters on model strength.

Optimizing Machine Learning Performance

This final course synthesizes the knowledge gained throughout the specialization, guiding learners through a complete machine learning project and the development of a maintenance roadmap. Participants will learn to deal with changing data, identify potential unintended effects, and define procedures for the operationalization and maintenance of applied machine learning models.

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