
الثقافة المالية | Financial Literacy

Alfaisal University | KLD

Enhance your financial literacy with Alfaisal University's course in Financial Literacy. Gain valuable insights into managing personal finances, understanding financial terms, creating a financial plan, and safeguarding against financial fraud. This comprehensive training equips you with the essential skills to make informed financial decisions and handle loans and deposits effectively.

  • Master the basics of personal financial planning
  • Understand loans, deposits, and choosing the right bank
  • Combat financial fraud and identity theft
  • Eradicate financial illiteracy through practical strategies

Certificate Available ✔

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الثقافة المالية | Financial Literacy
Course Modules

This comprehensive course covers fundamental financial concepts, including personal financial planning, loans and deposits, combating financial fraud, and eradicating financial illiteracy.

أساسيات التخطيط المالي الشخصي

Module 1 introduces the fundamentals of personal financial planning, including understanding financial terms, setting financial goals, creating a budget, managing cash flow, and debt management. Practical exercises and real-life examples enhance your learning experience.

القروض والودائع

Module 2 delves into the intricacies of loans and deposits, covering loan types and risks, choosing the right bank, deposit accounts, and their benefits. You'll understand how to effectively manage loans and deposits to secure your financial future.

مواجهة الاحتيال المالي

Module 3 focuses on combating financial fraud, including identity theft, credit card fraud, embezzlement, online purchase fraud, and check fraud. Practical assessments strengthen your ability to identify and prevent financial scams.

القضاء على الأمية المالية

Module 4 provides strategies to eradicate financial illiteracy, offering practical approaches to improve financial knowledge and reshape financial behaviors positively. You'll explore the impact of financial literacy and its role in personal and professional contexts.

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