
Cloud Computing Fundamentals on Alibaba Cloud

Alibaba Cloud Academy

Discover the fundamentals of Cloud Computing on Alibaba Cloud with this in-depth course. Gain a comprehensive introduction to a range of products and solutions offered by Alibaba Cloud, including storage, networking, auto-scaling, and security solutions. Throughout the course, you'll explore scenarios to best combine these products to create a complete cloud-based architecture.

Upon completion, you'll have a general knowledge of Cloud Computing, Network Security, and the IT industry. Additionally, you'll be able to develop general solutions and enterprise best practices based on Alibaba Cloud's products. You'll also gain in-depth knowledge in the use and operation of Alibaba Cloud's ECS, Server Load Balancers, OSS, VPC, Auto Scaling, CDN, Alibaba Cloud Security, and CloudMonitor products.

This course is designed for users looking to start their journey into Alibaba Cloud and is offered by Alibaba Cloud Academy.

Certificate Available ✔

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Cloud Computing Fundamentals on Alibaba Cloud
Course Modules

This course comprises modules that cover essential topics such as managing and operating ECS, RDS, OSS, Load Balancer, Auto Scaling, cloud security, and China Gateway services.

Manage and Operate ECS

Module 1: Manage and Operate ECS

  • Introduction to ECS
  • ECS Instance
  • ECS Storage
  • ECS Networking
  • ECS Additional Settings
  • Hands-On Guide
  • Create a Cloud Disk Demo
  • ECS Quiz

Manage and Operate RDS

Module 2: Manage and Operate RDS

  • RDS Concept
  • RDS Instance
  • RDS Features
  • RDS Monitoring & Security
  • Create an RDS Instance
  • Demo: Instance Backup
  • Demo: Read-Only Instance
  • Demo: Upgrade Instance Configuration
  • RDS Quiz

Manage and Operate OSS

Module 3: Manage and Operate OSS

  • OSS Overview
  • OSS Introduction
  • OSS Concepts
  • OSS Bucket Operations
  • OSS Object Operations
  • OSS Image Processing
  • OSS Web Hosting and Monitoring
  • OSS Quiz

Handle Large Traffic with Load Balancer

Module 4: Handle Large Traffic with Load Balancer

  • SLB Overview
  • SLB Features
  • SLB Components
  • SLB Additional Settings
  • SLB Hands-On Guide
  • SLB Quiz

Use Cloud Resources Flexibly According to your Business Requirements

Module 5: Use Cloud Resources Flexibly According to your Business Requirements

  • Auto Scaling Overview
  • Auto Scaling Introduction
  • Auto Scaling Concepts
  • Scaling Group
  • Scaling Configuration
  • Scaling Rules
  • Manuel Operations
  • Auto Scaling Quiz

Secure Your Data on Alibaba Cloud

Module 6: Secure Your Data on Alibaba Cloud

  • Cloud Security Overview
  • Host Security
  • Network Security
  • Application Security
  • Cloud Security Recap
  • Security Quiz

Connect to China with China Gateway

Module 7: Connect to China with China Gateway

  • China Gateway Service
  • Support Services
  • What is VPN Gateway
  • Smart Access Gateway

Exam Preparation

Module 8: Exam Preparation

  • Exam Preparations & Tips
  • ACP Cloud Computing Certification Exam Syllabus
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