
Empathy for Self and Others

Arizona State University

Empathy for Self and Others is a pivotal course that explores the multifaceted nature of empathy, encompassing both understanding others and self-reflection. This comprehensive program, offered by Arizona State University, is designed to equip participants with the skills and strategies needed to enhance their emotional intelligence and empathetic capabilities.

  • Unlock the potential for emotional intelligence and empathy
  • Gain insights from Dr. Shari Collins, an expert from ASU School of Humanities
  • Learn listening techniques to foster empathetic connections
  • Develop empathetic leadership skills
  • Promote self-empathy and understanding

Empathy for Self and Others is an invaluable opportunity to cultivate empathy as a skill set, emphasizing its relevance and importance in today's society. Join this course to jump-start your journey towards understanding and connecting with others on a deeper level.

Certificate Available ✔

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Empathy for Self and Others
Course Modules

Embark on a transformative journey with Empathy for Self and Others. Explore listening techniques, empathetic leadership, and self-empathy strategies in this comprehensive course.

Welcome to Empathy for Self and Others!

Welcome to Empathy for Self and Others! This module introduces the fundamentals of empathy and emotional intelligence, setting the stage for a transformative learning experience.

Listening with empathy

Discover the art of listening with empathy. Learn how to actively engage with others, understand their emotions, and foster meaningful connections through empathetic listening techniques.

Expressing empathy in leadership

Explore the role of empathy in leadership. Gain insights into expressing empathy within a leadership context, fostering a culture of understanding and support within professional environments.

Promoting a sense of self-empathy

Promote a sense of self-empathy and understanding. This module focuses on developing self-awareness and self-compassion, essential components of emotional intelligence and empathy.

Course Conclusion

Course Conclusion: Reflect on the transformative journey and apply the acquired empathy toolkit in real-world scenarios, solidifying your newfound skills and understanding of empathy.

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