
Hardening, Polymers, Properties

Arizona State University

This comprehensive course delves into age hardening of alloys and the use of phase diagrams to predict microstructure. It also covers the differences between thermoplastic and thermosetting polymers, strengthening mechanisms, and how properties of polymers vary with temperature.

The course provides an in-depth understanding of nucleation, crystal growth, and the significance of the glass transition temperature of a polymer to its thermal and mechanical properties. Additionally, learners will explore polymer selection for various applications and the impact of cross-linking on polymer properties.

  • Introduction to age hardening and phase diagrams for alloy steels
  • Distinguishing between thermoplastic and thermosetting polymers
  • Exploring strengthening mechanisms and polymer synthesis methods
  • Understanding the impact of temperature on polymer properties

Certificate Available ✔

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Hardening, Polymers, Properties
Course Modules

This course consists of modules covering age hardening, polymer concepts, synthesis, processing, and behaviors. It provides a comprehensive understanding of alloy strengthening and polymer properties.

Hardening, Polymers, Properties

This module focuses on age hardening alloys, providing a comprehensive understanding of phase diagrams and microstructure prediction. It covers the key factors affecting nucleation and crystal growth, as well as strengthening mechanisms.

Module 1: Age Hardening Alloys

This module delves into the differences between thermoplastic and thermosetting polymers, as well as the impact of cross-linking on polymer properties. Learners will gain insights into polymer synthesis methods and polymer selection for various applications.

Module 2: Polymers

This module explores polymer processing, providing an in-depth understanding of the techniques and applications of polymer processing. It covers various aspects of polymer processing and its significance in different industries.

Module 3: Polymer Processing

With a focus on polymer behaviors, this module provides insights into the structural and thermal properties of polymers. Learners will explore the significance of the glass transition temperature of a polymer to its thermal and mechanical properties.

Module 4: Polymer Behaviors

This module dives deep into the thermal and mechanical properties of polymers, as well as the impact of temperature on polymer properties. It also covers nonequilibrium microstructures and their relationship with mechanical properties.

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