
Inglés Empresarial: Gestión y Liderazgo

Arizona State University

Enhance your English business communication skills with the "Inglés Empresarial: Gestión y Liderazgo" course offered by Arizona State University. This course is designed for business executives and managers who utilize English in their professions. The comprehensive curriculum covers various aspects of effective business communication, team management, and leadership skills.

Through real-life scenarios and practical activities, you will learn and practice the language and styles of communication required for recruiting and training professional teams, managing well-organized meetings, making telephone conferences more efficient, and writing professional emails that are easy to read. The course also provides opportunities to receive immediate feedback from other business professionals worldwide, allowing you to share experiences and gain valuable insights.

  • Enhance English business communication skills
  • Learn team management and leadership skills
  • Practice language and styles of communication
  • Receive feedback from business professionals worldwide

Certificate Available ✔

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Inglés Empresarial: Gestión y Liderazgo
Course Modules

The course modules cover staffing and hiring decisions, meeting management, leadership and teaming, planning, organizing, delegating, managing and coaching, and a comprehensive review section.

Decisiones para dotación y contratación de personal / Staffing and Hiring Decisions

This module focuses on staffing and hiring decisions, providing essential insights and skills for assembling and leading professional teams. Through practical activities and quizzes, you will enhance your abilities in making direct and indirect requests, summarizing basics, and vocabulary relevant to staffing and hiring.

  • Staffing and hiring decisions insights
  • Practical activities for team assembly and leadership
  • Enhanced skills in making requests and summarizing

Gestión de reuniones / Meeting Management

Gain expertise in effective meeting management through this module. Explore strategies for organizing and participating in well-structured meetings, making conference calls more efficient, and writing effective summaries. Practical exercises and vocabulary practice will reinforce your learning.

  • Strategies for effective meeting organization
  • Enhanced conference call and summary writing skills
  • Reinforcement through practical exercises and vocabulary practice

Liderazgo y trabajo en equipo / Leading and Teaming

Develop leadership and teaming skills through this module. Learn to handle interruptions, communicate effectively in conference calls, and use phrases for interruption and clarification. Gain insights into cultural norms and receive guidance on submitting video/audio for review.

  • Leadership and teaming skills development
  • Effective communication strategies and cultural insights
  • Guidance on video/audio submission for review

Planificar, organizar, y delegar / Planning, Organizing, and Delegating

This module focuses on planning, organizing, and delegating, providing essential skills for writing effective emails, communicating status reports, and using concise business language. Learn about changing nouns to verbs and reading numbers with practical exercises and tests.

  • Essential skills for email writing and communication
  • Practical exercises for enhancing communication skills
  • Testing and reinforcement of skills in concise business language

Dirigir y entrenar / Managing and Coaching

Enhance your abilities in managing and coaching through this module, which covers coaching and mentoring, effective teaming, active listening skills, and phrases for feedback. Gain insights into Tuckman's phases of group development and first conditionals through practical exercises and tests.

  • Enhanced coaching and mentoring skills
  • Practical exercises for effective teaming and active listening
  • Insights into group development phases and first conditionals

Revisión / Review

Review and synthesize your learning through this comprehensive module. Complete the final examination and optional email synthesis activities to reinforce your newly acquired knowledge and skills.

  • Comprehensive review and reinforcement of learning
  • Final examination and optional synthesis activities
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