
Semiconductor Characterization

Arizona State University

This specialization, offered by Arizona State University, provides a comprehensive overview of semiconductor characterization. Students will explore various measurement techniques and learn to identify characteristics of complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) materials and devices. This course is designed to equip students with the skills necessary for a range of careers in electrical engineering, especially in the dynamic field of electronic device manufacturing.

Throughout the course, participants will review energy band diagrams of metals, semiconductors, and insulators, understand the relationship between conductivity, carrier concentration, and mobility, and distinguish between direct and indirect bandgap semiconductors. They will also learn about electrical characterization of diodes and MOSFETs, as well as electron and ion beam characterization, and optical and x-ray characterization techniques for semiconductor materials and devices.

By the end of the course, students will be able to apply their understanding of different measurement techniques to real-world situations, making them valuable assets in the field of electrical engineering.

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Semiconductor Characterization
Course Modules

This course is divided into five modules. Students will start with the fundamentals of semiconductor characterization before delving into electrical characterization of diodes and MOSFETs. The course continues with electron and ion beam characterization, and ends with optical and x-ray characterization. Through these modules, students will gain a comprehensive understanding of semiconductor characterization techniques.

Fundamentals of Semiconductor Characterization

Students will begin by reviewing energy band diagrams of metals, semiconductors, and insulators. They will also learn about the relationship between conductivity, carrier concentration, and mobility, and distinguish between direct and indirect bandgap semiconductors.

Electrical Characterization: Diodes

Participants will delve into the electrical characterization of diodes, defining resistance, resistivity, and sheet resistance, and understanding how to perform four-point probe current-voltage measurements and use the transfer length method.

Electrical Characterization: MOSFETs

Students will extract characteristic parameters of MOS capacitors and MOSFETs, and analyze real-world MOSFET data, gaining a comprehensive understanding of electrical characterization techniques specific to MOSFETs.

Electron and Ion Beam Characterization

Participants will explore the interaction of electron and ion beams with semiconductor materials, understand the constituent components of electron and ion beam characterization systems, and discover various applications of electron and ion beam characterization.

Optical and X-Ray Characterization

Finally, students will learn about the use of light to measure the thickness and refractive index of thin transparent films, understand how light is absorbed and emitted by semiconductors, and gain insights into the advantages and limitations of optical and x-ray characterization techniques.

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