
Introduction to Blockchain

Association of International Certified Professional Accountants

This specialization focuses on demystifying blockchain technology, enabling learners to understand its foundational constructs, benefits, and opportunities. It prepares individuals to weigh the risks and challenges of implementing blockchain within their organizations.

Throughout the course, participants will learn to identify the core components of blockchain technology, understand the fundamentals of money and currency evolution from pre-cryptocurrency to digital/crypto-assets, and recognize the security attributes of various wallet types.

An emphasis is placed on the importance of cryptocurrency security for accounting and finance professionals, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the security measures necessary in handling crypto and digital assets.

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Introduction to Blockchain
Course Modules

This course comprises three modules: Blockchain Evolution and Technology Concepts, Blockchain Opportunities Beyond Crypto Assets, and Understanding, Using, and Securing Crypto and Digital Assets. Each module offers the latest developments in blockchain technology through an engaging learning experience with animated video components and intuitive course flow to maximize knowledge retention.

Blockchain Evolution and Technology Concepts

This specialization offers the latest developments in blockchain technology through a highly engaging learning experience with animated video components and intuitive course flow to maximize knowledge retention. It covers the evolution of blockchain and technology concepts.

Blockchain Opportunities Beyond Crypto Assets

This module explores the opportunities beyond crypto assets provided by blockchain technology, offering insights into the diverse applications and advantages beyond traditional cryptocurrency use.

Understanding, Using, and Securing Crypto and Digital Assets

The module delves into understanding, using, and securing crypto and digital assets, equipping learners with the knowledge and skills necessary to handle and secure these assets effectively.

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