
Understanding, Using, and Securing Crypto and Digital Assets

Association of International Certified Professional Accountants

This specialization, offered by the Association of International Certified Professional Accountants, delivers the latest advancements in blockchain technology through an immersive learning journey. The course encompasses a range of topics, including crypto asset security, wallet types, market capitalization, token creation, and asset taxonomy. With a highly engaging format featuring animated videos and a logical course flow, learners can expect to delve into the intricacies of blockchain and digital asset security.

  • Comprehensive coverage of blockchain technology and its applications
  • In-depth exploration of crypto asset security, including hot and cold wallets, software and hardware wallets, and 2FA
  • Insight into market capitalization, exchanges, and price indexes
  • Examination of token creation processes such as ICOs, STOs, and IEOs
  • Understanding asset taxonomy and its implications

Certificate Available ✔

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Understanding, Using, and Securing Crypto and Digital Assets
Course Modules

This course comprises a comprehensive exploration of blockchain technology, crypto asset security, market capitalization, token creation, and asset taxonomy. Engaging animated video components and a logical course flow maximize knowledge retention.

Blockchain — Understanding, Using, and Securing Crypto and Digital Assets

This module serves as an insightful introduction to blockchain technology, covering a broad spectrum of topics including crypto asset security, wallet types, market capitalization, token creation, and asset taxonomy. The engaging format, including animated video components, enhances the learning experience, ensuring maximum knowledge retention.

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