
Improvisación de jazz


Explore the fundamentals of modern improvisation with Gary Burton, an acclaimed figure in the jazz world. This course delves into the mental and musical processes underpinning improvisation, providing insights into solo performance and spontaneous musical communication.

Throughout the course, you will uncover the essential aspects of improvisation, including its parallels with spoken language, the vocabulary of an improviser, real-time scale selection, harmonic movement, and theme and variation. Engage with practical exercises and projects to expand your improvisational skills and deepen your understanding of musical communication.

  • Gain insights into the mental and musical processes underlying improvisation.
  • Understand the parallels between spoken language and improvisation.
  • Expand your vocabulary as an improviser and learn how to choose scales in real time.
  • Explore harmonic movement and its role in improvisation.
  • Delve into the concept of theme and variation to enhance your improvisational skills.

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Improvisación de jazz
Course Modules

This course consists of modules that cover the parallels between spoken language and improvisation, expanding the improvisation vocabulary, real-time scale selection, harmonic movement, and theme and variation, providing practical exercises and projects to enhance improvisational skills.


Welcome to the course! Get ready to explore the fascinating world of jazz improvisation with Gary Burton. Connect with your peers, set your goals, and understand the course structure.

  • Gain an introduction to the course and connect with fellow learners.
  • Learn about the course structure and how to achieve your learning goals.


Dive into the parallels between spoken language and improvised music. Understand how improvisation functions as a language, enabling spontaneous musical communication.

  • Discover the similarities and differences between spoken language and musical improvisation.
  • Explore how improvisation serves as a mode of spontaneous communication with audiences.


Expand your improvisation vocabulary by learning about scales, modes, and chord usage. Master various scales and understand how to effectively communicate through musical language.

  • Learn essential scales, modes, and chord usage for improvisation.
  • Enhance your improvisational vocabulary and understand the art of musical communication through scales.


Master the art of real-time scale selection and understand how to choose the right scales for different musical contexts. Engage in practical exercises and explore the application of scale selection in "500 Miles High."

  • Learn to choose scales in real time for different chord progressions and musical situations.
  • Apply real-time scale selection in the practical context of "500 Miles High."


Delve into the concept of harmonic movement and the use of guide tones in improvisation. Explore the nuances of harmonic progression and its role in shaping improvisational expression.

  • Understand the movement of harmonies and the significance of guide tones in improvisation.
  • Explore harmonic movement and its impact on improvisational expression.


Explore the structure of themes and variations in improvisation. Analyze melodies, develop musical stories, and understand the concepts of theme, variation, and musical phrasing.

  • Analyze melodies and develop musical stories within the context of improvisation.
  • Understand the principles of theme, variation, and musical phrasing to enhance improvisational skills.
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