
The Business of Music Production


In the music industry, success requires a blend of musical artistry and business acumen. The Business of Music Production course from Berklee teaches you the intricacies of the industry, from understanding recording contracts to leveraging copyright law to earn money from your music.

Through this specialization, you'll delve into the roles within the music industry, gain insights into launching your career as a producer, and learn how to record, edit, and mix music using Pro Tools, the industry-standard digital audio workstation.

  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of the structure of the recording music industry and how to read and interpret recording contracts
  • Leverage copyright law to monetize your music and protect your assets
  • Develop a clear vision for your music projects and utilize the right tools to achieve your creative intentions
  • Learn the ins and outs of recording, editing, and mixing music using Pro Tools

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The Business of Music Production
Course Modules

This course comprises four modules that cover the essentials of the music industry, music production, copyright law, and Pro Tools basics, preparing you to succeed as a savvy music producer.

Music Business Foundations

Analyze recording contract provisions to comprehend the intricacies of the music industry

Discuss the different rights within the copyright law to monetize your music

Understand the roles within the music industry and the importance of written agreements

The Art of Music Production

Explore the art of music production to create compelling and unique recordings

Develop your identity, vision, and intention as an artist and producer

Utilize various tools to write and produce compelling music

Establish a sonic signature for your production using specific techniques

Copyright Law in the Music Business

Gain a comprehensive understanding of copyright law in the music business

Learn about Fair Use, copyright lawsuits, and differentiation between composition and sound recording copyright

Pro Tools Basics

Get to grips with the basics of Pro Tools, the industry-standard digital audio workstation

Understand the components of the Pro Tools interface and organize session files

Record live performances and balance production mixes using various tools and effects

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