
ASP.NET for Experienced Developers

Board Infinity

Acquire the expertise needed to construct robust, scalable, and secure applications using .NET technology through the ASP.NET for Experienced Developers specialization. This comprehensive course consists of three modules:

  • Master C# programming and .NET framework, from basics to advanced object-oriented programming.
  • Equip yourself with the expertise to build robust and scalable backend applications using ASP.NET technologies.
  • Enhance your understanding of microservices architecture, Docker, and DevOps practices.

Throughout the course, you will acquire the skills to develop advanced .NET Core applications, understand microservices architecture with .NET Core, and utilize Docker for .NET Core applications, streamlining deployment processes and managing applications efficiently.

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ASP.NET for Experienced Developers
Course Modules

Acquire expertise in mastering C# programming, backend development using ASP.NET, and microservices and deployment by using ASP.NET.

C# for .NET Developers

Master ASP.NET fundamentals and .NET framework components, using C# syntax for robust web application development. This module covers:

  • C# programming basics, including data types, variables, and operators for efficient data storage and manipulation.
  • C# control structures, such as loops and conditional statements, for controlling program flow and dynamics.
  • Advanced C# topics, including LINQ, polymorphism, encapsulation, and exception handling for reliable software solutions.

Backend Development using ASP.Net

Deep dive into ASP.NET Core's architecture and components, developing robust backend web applications and leveraging dependency injection. This module covers:

  • Building modern, cloud-based, cross-platform web applications using ASP.NET Core's modular architecture for lightweight, swift applications.
  • Utilizing ASP.NET MVC to develop web applications, focusing on creating and managing views, models, and controllers with MVC pattern.
  • Designing and implementing web APIs using ASP.NET, managing API endpoints, HTTP requests, and data serialization/deserialization.

Microservices and Deployment by using ASP.NET

Learn to design and implement microservices-based applications using .NET Core. Master RESTful APIs and improve code quality. This module covers:

  • Docker fundamentals and containerizing .NET Core applications, including Docker images, containers, and Docker files.
  • Using Docker Compose for defining and deploying multi-container applications, handling Docker registries, networking, and volumes.
  • Acquiring DevOps understanding and utilizing Azure DevOps for continuous integration and delivery of microservices-based applications.
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