
Build Website with HTML, JavaScript, AngularJS, and React

Board Infinity

Dive deep into the world of modern web development with this comprehensive specialization. Comprising three distinct courses, this curriculum empowers learners to create cutting-edge, dynamic websites by combining essential front-end technologies:

  • Master the essentials of HTML and CSS to create responsive web layouts and design stunning web pages that work seamlessly across various devices.
  • Deep dive into JavaScript's realm, creating dynamic web pages, leveraging DOM manipulations, and harnessing event-driven functionalities.
  • Navigate the world of React and AngularJS, building powerful UIs, mastering component-based architectures, and managing application states.
  • Immerse in practical project-based learning, integrating HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, and AngularJS for dynamic, interactive web development.

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Build Website with HTML, JavaScript, AngularJS, and React
Course Modules

Learn HTML/CSS fundamentals, JavaScript interactivity, and React/AngularJS for powerful UIs. Grasp Bootstrap for responsive design and jQuery for simplified DOM manipulation.

Build a Webpage with HTML and CSS

Grasp fundamentals of HTML, mastering the structure and usage of tags, attributes, and elements to define web content and layout.

Understand and apply CSS basics, learning to control layout, typography, and color schemes while comprehending the concept of cascading.

Delve into Bootstrap's framework, leveraging its pre-built components to create professional, mobile-friendly web designs.

Acquire foundational web design principles, emphasizing responsive design and ensuring web pages are visually appealing across devices.

JavaScript for Web Development

Gain deep knowledge of JavaScript fundamentals: variables, data types, operators, and functions for effective web application development.

Acquire the ability to dynamically modify web pages using DOM manipulation and craft responsive user interfaces through event handling techniques.

Achieve expertise in advanced JavaScript practices and harness the power of jQuery to enhance web page interactivity and simplify tasks.

Culminate learning with a hands-on project, demonstrating real-world application of JavaScript and jQuery skills to create dynamic web experiences.

Libraries and Frameworks for Frontend Development

Master the intricacies of React, learning components, state management, and JSX, to craft interactive user interfaces with ease.

Delve deep into Angular's architecture, from components and directives to services, optimizing web applications for scalability and robustness.

Construct simple web pages with responsive layouts, interactive features, and dynamic content to enrich user experience.

Acquire hands-on experience in end-to-end front-end project development, equipping you with a promising career as a front-end developer.

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