
Building a Complete MEAN Stack Application

Board Infinity

This comprehensive course will guide students through the process of building a complete web application using MongoDB, Express.js, AngularJS, and Node.js.

Participants will explore backend architecture, RESTful API creation, and frontend development. The course emphasizes deployment strategies, ensuring scalability and security.

  • Design scalable backends with MEAN stack
  • Develop single-page applications using AngularJS
  • Create responsive frontends and deploy the complete MEAN stack application

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Building a Complete MEAN Stack Application
Course Modules

This course includes two modules covering backend design, RESTful API creation, frontend development, and deployment strategies for building MEAN stack applications.

Designing Backend for Real-World Application

In the first module, students will explore backend architecture, focusing on designing scalable and secure backends for real-world applications. The module includes hands-on activities such as creating a RESTful API using Node.js and Express.js, and linking the backend with the front end to manage user interactions in real time.

  • Principles of backend architecture
  • Creating a RESTful API with Node.js and Express.js
  • Linking the backend with the frontend

Creating Frontend & Connecting with Backend

The second module delves into frontend development principles and user-friendly interface design using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and AngularJS. Participants will learn to connect the frontend with the backend API, handle HTTP requests and responses, and manage user input and form submissions. Additionally, this module emphasizes deployment strategies to ensure the performance and availability of the MEAN stack application.

  • Frontend development principles
  • User-friendly interface design
  • Connecting the frontend with the backend API
  • Deployment strategies for MEAN stack applications
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