
Building Your Freelancing Career

California Institute of the Arts

Do you dream of thriving in your freelance career? The "Building Your Freelancing Career" course equips you with the essential skills to transform your freelancing gig into a sustainable business venture. Overcome imposter syndrome, learn to stand out in a competitive market, and develop a solid business plan to secure a steady flow of income.

Throughout this specialization, you will explore strategies to manage your business operations, navigate financial planning, and establish a professional and public-facing portfolio. By the end of the program, you will have the confidence to present your work, protect your business legally, and develop a comprehensive business plan and financial model for your freelancing venture.

  • Overcome fears of failure and perfectionism
  • Find and win clients in a competitive market
  • Develop a solid business plan and financial model
  • Navigate legal considerations and protect your work

Certificate Available ✔

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Building Your Freelancing Career
Course Modules

The course modules cover defining business philosophy, financial analysis, public-facing portfolio development, legal aspects, and culminate in creating a comprehensive business plan and financial model.

Plan a Successful Freelancing Business

The first course, "Plan a Successful Freelancing Business," focuses on defining and solidifying freelancers' philosophy, values, and goals within their future business. Learners will gain insights into understanding their competition, defining their unique value, and establishing their market position.

Making Money as a Freelancer

"Making Money as a Freelancer" integrates financial analysis and strategy into freelancing businesses. Learners will discover and apply accounting best practices, create a budget and financial plan, and set financial goals to support their rates and prices.

Launching Your Freelancing Business

"Launching Your Freelancing Business" helps learners prepare their business plan for public-facing presentation and work acquisition. It covers setting project boundaries, developing a public-facing portfolio, and presenting one's work effectively.

Protect and Grow Your Freelancing Business

"Protect and Grow Your Freelancing Business" provides an overview of laws surrounding freelance work, tax preparation, intellectual property considerations, and legally sound protection through contracts and agreements.

Building Your Freelancing Career Capstone

In the final course, "Building Your Freelancing Career Capstone," learners will build upon their fundamental skills from previous courses to develop a fully fleshed out business plan, brand, and financial model for their freelancing venture.

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