
Java Basic Structures: Arrays, Strings, and Files


Explore the world of Java programming with the "Java Basic Structures: Arrays, Strings, and Files" course. Designed for learners with limited coding experience, this course offers a comprehensive introduction to Java and core Computer Science topics. You'll delve into the fundamentals of arrays, strings, and files, gaining the skills to manipulate data, compare and manipulate text, and read and write to text and CSV files. The course emphasizes a hands-on, self-paced approach, with assignments containing runnable code examples and suggested edits to promote a deeper understanding.

Throughout the course, you'll benefit from a variety of assessment items, including quick understanding checks and approachable coding exercises that provide instant feedback. By the end, you'll have the confidence to code and run your first Java program without the need for any installations.

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Java Basic Structures: Arrays, Strings, and Files
Course Modules

This course covers arrays, strings, and files, providing a solid foundation in Java programming. The modules emphasize hands-on, self-paced learning, with a focus on practical exercises and instant feedback.


Delve into the fundamentals of arrays, learning how to store and manipulate data to enhance the functionality of your programs. Explore various data manipulation techniques, gaining valuable skills that can be applied to other programming languages.


Gain a deep understanding of string manipulation techniques, including comparison and manipulation of text. Learn how to effectively work with strings to enhance the functionality and usability of your Java programs.


Discover the essential skills for reading and writing to text and CSV files. Explore file manipulation techniques, gaining the ability to work with external data sources to create more dynamic and interactive Java programs.

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