
Programming in Java: A Hands-on Introduction


This specialization is designed to equip individuals with no prior programming experience with essential skills in Java programming and computer science concepts. Through four comprehensive courses, participants will gain proficiency in Java fundamentals, object-oriented design, and the ability to automate tasks and develop graphical applications.

  • Automate everyday, repetitive tasks using Java programs
  • Create engaging, graphical based programs
  • Develop a firm foundation of Computer Science concepts applicable to other programming languages

Throughout the modules, learners will delve into Java basics, data manipulation, object-oriented principles, and best practices such as code style guidelines, unit testing, and handling web-based systems.

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Programming in Java: A Hands-on Introduction
Course Modules

A comprehensive journey through Java programming, covering fundamental concepts, data manipulation, object-oriented principles, and best practices essential for building applications.

Java Basics: Selection and Iteration

Explore Java basics such as selection and iteration, utilizing variables, operators, selection statements, and loop types to manipulate data and automate decision making.

Java Basic Structures: Arrays, Strings, and Files

Delve into the manipulation of arrays, strings, and files, learning to store and compare data, manipulate text, and read/write to text and CSV files.

Java Object Basics: Functions, Recursion, and Objects

Learn to define and use custom functions, understand recursion, and create and modify custom objects to improve code readability and efficiency.

Object-Oriented Java: Inheritance and Encapsulation

Understand how to architect larger programs using object-oriented principles, reusing parts of classes, and encapsulating relevant information and methods within a class.

Core Java

Develop best practices including following a code style guide, architecting code bases, unit testing, handling Java's Collections framework, Streams, DateTime classes, and web-based systems.

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