
Select Topics in Python


This specialization is designed for individuals seeking to enhance their Python proficiency. It assumes prior knowledge of Python and completion of the "Programming in Python: A Hands-On Tutorial."

Comprising four comprehensive courses, you will delve into creating and managing Python packages, visualizing data using Jupyter notebooks and Matplotlib, developing websites with Django, and harnessing Python for natural language processing, including creating a chatbot.

  • Learn to manage packages and virtual environments with Python's built-in and third-party tools
  • Explore styling with Bootstrap, Django's MVT framework, and deploying Django
  • Utilize Jupyter notebooks to create and customize charts and plots with Matplotlib
  • Analyze text in various ways and build a chatbot using the Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK)

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Select Topics in Python
Course Modules

This specialization encompasses four courses: Packaging, Django, Matplotlib, and Natural Language Processing. You will explore Python package management, website development, data visualization, and chatbot creation.

Select Topics in Python: Packaging

Learn to manage Python packages and virtual environments using built-in and third-party tools. Package Python scripts and applications for a wider audience.

Select Topics in Python: Django

Delve into styling with Bootstrap, Django's MVT framework, and deploying Django for web development.

Select Topics in Python: Matplotlib

Explore Jupyter notebooks for creating and customizing charts and plots with Matplotlib.

Select Topics in Python: Natural Language Processing

Analyze text in various ways and leverage NLTK to build a chatbot for natural language processing.

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