
Select Topics in Python: Packaging


Code and run Django websites without installing anything with the Select Topics in Python: Packaging course. This course is designed for learners with some experience in Python and covers various aspects of packaging in Python.

  • Gain hands-on experience without video content, using short explanations, images, and runnable code examples with suggested edits.
  • Benefit from instant feedback from a variety of assessment items, progressing from quick understanding checks to building large coding projects.

Throughout the course, you will learn to manage packages and virtual environments with Python's built-in tools, as well as third-party tools. Additionally, you will learn how to package Python scripts and applications for a wider audience, allowing you to distribute your work effectively.

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Select Topics in Python: Packaging
Course Modules

Explore packaging in Python through three modules: Packaging in Python, Alternative Package Managers, and Packaging for Distribution. Gain comprehensive knowledge and hands-on experience in managing packages and virtual environments, and packaging Python scripts and applications for a wider audience.

Packaging in Python

Gain an understanding of packaging in Python, covering modules and packages, third-party packages, and packaging for distribution. This module provides hands-on, self-paced learning experiences with video-free assignments containing short explanations, images, and runnable code examples with suggested edits.

Alternative Package Managers

Explore alternative package managers for managing virtual environments and packages. This module offers insights into using third-party tools to effectively manage packages and virtual environments, enhancing your Python development capabilities.

Packaging for Distribution

Learn to package Python scripts and applications for a wider audience, ensuring effective distribution. This module guides you through building a deeper understanding of packaging for distribution, culminating in large coding projects at the end of the course.

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