
Blazor and JavaScript Interoperability

Coursera Project Network

In this short project-based course, you will master the art of extending Blazor applications to communicate with JavaScript, the primary language of web browsers. Through this interactive learning experience, you will delve into how to invoke JavaScript functions from .NET code and vice versa.

Moreover, you will explore the process of building browser API interactions in Blazor, honing your skills in creating a seamless bridge between these two technologies. Additionally, you will delve into implementing a solution for accessing the browser's localStorage using a .NET service class, thereby enhancing your ability to develop robust and interactive web applications.

  • Learn to invoke JavaScript functions from .NET code.
  • Understand the process of invoking .NET methods from JavaScript code.
  • Build browser API interactions in Blazor.

Certificate Available ✔

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Blazor and JavaScript Interoperability
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