
Data Manipulation with dplyr in R

Coursera Project Network

Welcome to the Data Manipulation with dplyr in R project-based course. Over the 2-hour duration, you will delve into manipulating the gapminder dataset using the dplyr package in R. Here's what you'll learn:

  • Understand the use of tidyverse and the dplyr package
  • Manipulate the gapminder dataset using different dplyr verbs
  • Combine different dplyr verbs to get the desired results

This guided project doesn't require prior expertise in data analysis, making it accessible to those familiar with the R language. If you're new to R, consider taking the Getting Started with R project first. By the end, you'll have a solid grasp on manipulating data with dplyr in R, setting the stage for further exploration in data analysis and manipulation.

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Data Manipulation with dplyr in R
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