
Datenanalyse mit R und dplyr

Coursera Project Network

In this project, you will harness the power of the dplyr package in R to conduct successful data analysis and transformation. Through guided instruction, you will learn to construct data analysis pipelines, enabling you to gain analytical insights into a dataset. Key skills you will acquire include flexible sorting of datasets, filtering of interesting observations, selection of important variables, modification of variables, generation of new information, and the creation of statistics for data groups.

This project is suitable for beginners and will empower you to independently navigate large, unfamiliar datasets and extract relevant information from extensive data. By the end of this course, you will have the proficiency to efficiently perform data mining in the R console without the need to navigate through complex BI interfaces. Whether you encounter a dataset in the future and wish to uncover compelling and useful insights, this course will equip you with the necessary skills.

Certificate Available ✔

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Datenanalyse mit R und dplyr
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