
Github CoPilot for Beginners: Write Software With AI

Coursera Project Network

Discover the future of coding with GitHub Copilot, an AI-powered coding assistant. This 2-hour long project-based course is tailored for budding web developers aiming to utilize cutting edge AI tools to build websites faster.

By effectively guiding Copilot with expertly crafted prompts, you will design and implement responsive web components. You will explore various methods within CoPilot to elicit multiple suggestions to ensure consistency across your projects.

Refine and adapt AI-generated code to ensure the website aligns with desired specifications, aesthetics, and functionality. By the end of this course, you'll have crafted a sleek, user-friendly website, all with the guidance of your AI co-pilot.

Certificate Available ✔

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Github CoPilot for Beginners: Write Software With AI
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