
HTML for Beginners: Classes and ID

Coursera Project Network

This 70-minute guided project is designed for beginner HTML learners, covering CSS and a brief introduction to Javascript. You will gain a comprehensive understanding of the "class" and "id" HTML attributes, their syntax, and usage. Through creating a Japan traveling blog article page, you will learn how to style and organize page content using classes and ids, and how they form the foundation for styling, scripting, and internal navigation.

By the end of this project, you will be proficient in defining and implementing "class" and "id" attributes with CSS, and will have a basic understanding of their scripting usage. This project is perfect for individuals interested in website and front-end development, requiring only a passion for learning and an introductory knowledge of HTML.

  • Comprehensive understanding of "class" and "id" HTML attributes
  • Implementation of styles using "class" and "id" attributes with CSS
  • Basic review of scripting usage of "class" and "id" attributes

Certificate Available ✔

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HTML for Beginners: Classes and ID
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