
Image Data Augmentation with Keras

Coursera Project Network

In this 1.5-hour long project-based course, you will dive into the application of image data augmentation in Keras. Through hands-on experience, you will explore the utilization of the ImageDataGenerator class from Keras’ image preprocessing package to expand and normalize data. With a focus on creating more examples from existing datasets, this course is designed to address the challenge of over-fitting and to ensure model generalization post-training.

Throughout the course, you will:

  • Learn the fundamentals of image data augmentation with Keras
  • Gain insights into the various options offered by the ImageDataGenerator class for data augmentation and normalization
  • Understand the significance of data augmentation in addressing over-fitting and enhancing model generalization
  • Apply practical techniques to increase the number of examples in your dataset

Please note that prior experience with Python programming, convolutional neural networks, and Keras with a TensorFlow backend is required to fully engage with the content of this course.

Certificate Available ✔

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Image Data Augmentation with Keras
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