
Predicción de Ventas Pronosticando Tendencias

Coursera Project Network

Discover the power of trend forecasting and its impact on decision-making in the "Predicción de Ventas Pronosticando Tendencias" course. Over 2 hours, you'll delve into statistical data examination, regression line analysis, and model evaluation using spreadsheet tools. By the end of the course, you'll have a solid grasp of how to enhance prediction accuracy through engineering techniques.

  • Gain insight into how forecasts support decision-making processes
  • Visualize and conduct statistical analysis of data, including regression line slope examination and chart creation
  • Evaluate models and determine when to employ engineering techniques for improved forecasting accuracy

Please note that this course is most beneficial for students in the North American region, although efforts are underway to extend this experience to other regions.

Certificate Available ✔

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Predicción de Ventas Pronosticando Tendencias
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