
Sentimental Analysis on COVID-19 Tweets using python

Coursera Project Network

Embark on a captivating journey to analyze sentiments in COVID-19 tweets using Python. This comprehensive course equips you with the skills to preprocess text data and classify sentiments as positive, negative, or neutral. Through engaging instruction, you'll gain expertise in visualizing sentiment analysis results, providing valuable insights into people's reactions during a specific period of the pandemic.

  • Master the art of preprocessing text data for sentiment analysis
  • Accurately categorize tweets into positive, negative, and neutral sentiments
  • Visualize sentiment analysis results for deeper understanding

Join us on this educational journey, tailored for individuals based in North America, to unravel the sentiments expressed in COVID-19-related tweets and gain valuable insights into public reactions.

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Sentimental Analysis on COVID-19 Tweets using python
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