
Style Images with CSS

Coursera Project Network

In this intermediate-level course, you will explore how CSS can be used to alter the appearance of images on your web page. HTML is used to add image content to a website, and CSS is used to make that content visually appealing to website visitors.

You will use the Notepad++ editor to write CSS rules with a variety of selectors and properties that are applied to images to change their appearance. The Chrome browser is used to display the page to test the results of your work. CSS is a very powerful tool, and using it to gain more control over the visual aspects of images is a valuable skill for a web developer.

What You'll Learn:

  • Describe how HTML and CSS work with images.
  • Write CSS code to enhance the appearance of an image.
  • Apply CSS rules to images in an HTML document.

Certificate Available ✔

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Style Images with CSS
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