
Tracking Objects in Video with Particle Filters

Coursera Project Network

In this one-hour project-based course, you will learn to tackle a real-world computer vision problem by locating and tracking a target in a video using a particle filter. The challenges of noisy sensor data, changing object shapes, and occlusion will be addressed with this artificial intelligence technique.

  • Gain hands-on experience in coding a particle filter from scratch using Python and numpy.
  • Tackle classic challenges of computer vision, such as noisy sensor data and object occlusion.
  • Learn to track a target in a real-world video using the particle filter technique.

By the end of this project, you will have the skills to code a particle filter from scratch and apply it to track a target in a real-world video, making it an essential course for anyone interested in computer vision and artificial intelligence.

Certificate Available ✔

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Tracking Objects in Video with Particle Filters
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