
Using Animations and Transitions in Libre Impress

Coursera Project Network

Libre Impress offers a wealth of advanced options to elevate your presentations. This course delves into the art of utilizing animations and transitions to captivate your audience. Beginning with preparation techniques, you'll explore the diverse effects available, from Entrance and Emphasis Animations to Exit and Motion Path options. Discover the intricacies of applying and editing animations, and uncover the secrets behind seamless slide transitions. The comprehensive guidance provided in this course will equip you with the skills to truly make your presentations stand out.

  • Learn to apply Entrance & Emphasis Animations to objects and text in Libre Impress
  • Master the application of Exit, Motion Path, and Misc. Animations
  • Understand the art of applying Transitions to Slides

Certificate Available ✔

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Using Animations and Transitions in Libre Impress
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