
Copyright for Multimedia

Duke University

Embark on a deep dive into the complexities of copyright law as it pertains to multimedia in this engaging course. Explore the nuanced considerations for data, images, music, and video, and gain a thorough understanding of fair use principles and permissions. Uncover format-specific exceptions and refine your ability to make informed copyright decisions for diverse multimedia materials.

Key learning areas include:

  • Analysis of multimedia copyright problems
  • Fair use assessment for each format
  • Format-specific exceptions in copyright law
  • Seeking permission for film, music, images, and data

Certificate Available ✔

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Copyright for Multimedia
Course Modules

This course delves into the unique copyright considerations for data, images, music, and video, examining fair use, permissions, and format-specific exceptions, providing a comprehensive understanding of multimedia copyright issues.

Introduction and Getting Started

Welcome to the Copyright for Multimedia course, where you will be introduced to the complexities of copyright law in relation to various multimedia formats. Gain valuable insights into analyzing copyright problems and understanding the framework for making informed decisions.


Discover the intricacies of copyright law as it pertains to data, including examples and assessments. Explore the unique considerations and challenges in applying copyright principles to data-related multimedia materials.


Delve into the world of copyright protection for images, covering aspects such as fair use, permissions, TEACH Act, and assessments. Gain a comprehensive understanding of the copyright considerations specific to image-based multimedia.

Music and Audio

Explore the multifaceted landscape of copyright in music and audio, encompassing rights, use cases, fair use, permissions, and assessments. Uncover the complexities of applying copyright principles to music-related multimedia materials.

Film and Video

Unravel the complexities of copyright in the context of film and video, covering ownership, fair use, permissions, anti-circumvention, and assessments. Gain insight into the unique considerations and challenges in applying copyright principles to film-based multimedia materials.

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