
The Brain and Space

Duke University

This course delves into how the brain constructs our spatial sense and shapes our cognitive abilities. Through a variety of sensory and motor sources, the brain effortlessly determines our position in the world. Dr. Jennifer M. Groh, a distinguished professor at Duke University, leads this comprehensive exploration into the brain's detective work.

Students will uncover the intricate mechanisms behind recognizing familiar faces, locating objects, and navigating surroundings. By tracing the brain's intricate spatial processing, this course reveals the profound impact of spatial focus on our cognitive functions. Understanding these processes can enhance our perception and memory, influencing the way we think and remember.

  • Explores how the brain creates our sense of spatial location
  • Traces the brain’s detective work and its influence on cognitive abilities
  • Reveals the profound impact of spatial focus on cognitive functions

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The Brain and Space
Course Modules

The Brain and Space course is divided into six modules, each unraveling the brain's intricate mechanisms for processing spatial information and its impact on cognitive abilities.

Course Introduction and Vision (Part 1)

This module introduces the course and offers insights into the visual processing aspect of spatial cognition. Students will explore the basics of vision, including the sensory mechanisms that contribute to our spatial understanding.

  • Insights into visual processing and spatial cognition
  • Exploration of the basics of vision and sensory mechanisms

Vision (Part 2), the Body, and Neural Signals

This module delves deeper into visual cues and body position sensing, shedding light on how neural signals contribute to our understanding of spatial locations. Students will uncover the intricate mechanisms that underpin our perception of depth and body position.

  • Understanding visual cues and body position sensing
  • Insights into neural signals and depth perception

Brain Maps

Insights into the brain's mapping of spatial information are the focus of this module. Students will explore the organization of brain maps and their role in shaping our spatial cognition, including how the brain handles visual space and motion vision.

  • Understanding brain maps and their role in spatial cognition
  • Exploration of visual space organization and motion vision

Sound and Brain Representations

This module explores how the brain processes sound and represents spatial information. Students will delve into the mechanisms behind sound localization, brain representations of sound, and the influence of brain maps on our perception of sound location.

  • Insights into sound processing and spatial representation
  • Exploration of sound localization and brain representations

Reference Frames and Navigation

Students will unravel the complexities of reference frames and navigation in this module, understanding how the brain synthesizes spatial locations and coordinates sensory input from different modalities. The role of vision, touch, and hearing in spatial navigation will be thoroughly explored.

  • Understanding reference frames and navigation complexities
  • Exploration of brain coordination across different sensory modalities

Memory and Cognition

This module delves into the interconnectedness of memory, cognition, and spatial processing. Students will explore how spatial information influences memory and thinking, uncovering the behavioral and neural ties between spatial cognition and abstract thought.

  • Insights into memory, cognition, and spatial processing
  • Exploration of the interconnectedness of spatial information and thinking
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