
Transição energética e ecológica em países do sul

École normale supérieure

Explore the confluence of sustainable development and economic transition in Southern countries with the course "Transição energética e ecológica em países do sul". Delve into macroeconomic, financial, ecological, and climatic dimensions, understanding the imperative need for a well-being based development and equitable wealth distribution.

Through this course, you will:

  • Establish the relationship between energy transition, ecological transition, the role of energy in the economy, and economic development models.
  • Defend the necessity of changing the current reality and implement strategies and action plans to address the challenges.
  • Understand the relationship between energy transition and financing solutions, and bridge the gap between comprehension and action.

Embark on a learning journey to comprehend and address the pressing need for a sustainable and inclusive development model in Southern countries.

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Transição energética e ecológica em países do sul
Course Modules

Dive into the modules covering sustainability, economic transition, and energy management, with a focus on Southern countries, in this comprehensive course.

Bem-vindo !

Module 1: This module introduces the course, discusses energy transformations, and presents the forums. It sets the stage for the comprehensive exploration of sustainable development and economic transition in Southern countries.

Semana 1 : A insustentabilidade ecológica do nosso modelo de desenvolvimento

Module 2: Explore the unsustainable ecological aspects of our development model, including the vulnerability of Southern countries to natural disasters aggravated by climate change and the culture of consumerism.

Semana 2 : Os modelos económicos dominantes impedem a transição energética e ecológica

Module 3: Delve into the dominant economic models that hinder energy and ecological transition, from the partial and deceptive measurement of economic activity to the destabilizing financialization of the economy.

Semana 3: A trajetória da transição energética, descarbonizar o PIB!

Module 4: Understand the trajectory of energy transition and the challenges of decarbonizing the GDP, with a focus on reducing emissions in the context of Southern countries' growing population and economy.

Semana 4: O modelo de uma transição ecológica para uma nova prosperidade

Module 5: Discover the model of an ecological transition for a new prosperity, including discussions on new development indicators, circular economy, agriculture, biodiversity, and ecological approach to reduce inequalities and poverty traps.

Semana 5: A governação da transição energética e ecológica

Module 6: Learn about the governance of energy and ecological transition, including the role of public policies, cities, international institutions, and development banks in regulating and catalyzing the transition in Southern countries.

Semana 6: O financiamento da transição energética e ecológica

Module 7: Dive into the financing of energy and ecological transition, understanding the indispensable role of carbon pricing, reducing fossil fuel subsidies, and directing monetary policies and credit towards green assets.

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