
Mécanique de Newton

École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne

Mécanique de Newton is a comprehensive course offered by École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, delving into the principles of Newtonian mechanics. Covering a range of topics including kinematics, dynamics, and oscillations, this course equips learners with essential skills for mathematical analysis of physical phenomena.

The course is structured as a MOOC with four main sections:

  1. Formation de l’esprit scientifique. Calculs de dérivées.: This section focuses on the fundamental concepts of mechanics, encouraging learners to cultivate a scientific mindset and providing guidance on derivative calculations.
  2. Cinématique du point matériel. Calcul vectoriel.: Learners will explore the kinematics of a point particle and delve into vector calculations to understand motion in detail.
  3. Les lois de Newton. Balistique.: This module covers Newton's laws and their application to ballistic motion, providing insights into the behavior of objects in the presence of external forces.
  4. Action et réaction. Balistique avec frottement.: Here, learners will delve into the principles of action and reaction, and investigate ballistic motion in the presence of friction.
  5. Objectifs de la dynamique. Oscillateur harmonique.: Exploring the objectives of dynamics, this section also delves into the behavior of harmonic oscillators and their significance in various systems.
  6. Accélération normale et tangentielle. Mouvement circulaire, vitesse angulaire.: This module introduces learners to normal and tangential acceleration, as well as circular motion and angular velocity.
  7. Coordonnées cylindriques et sphériques. Vitesse et accélération.: The final module focuses on coordinate systems, velocity, and acceleration in cylindrical and spherical coordinates, offering a comprehensive understanding of motion analysis.
  8. Clôture: This module concludes the course, summarizing the key learnings and providing closure to the comprehensive study of Newtonian mechanics.

By enrolling in Mécanique de Newton, learners will gain a solid foundation in applying mathematical principles to analyze physical phenomena, preparing them for future studies and professional endeavors in engineering and the sciences.

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Mécanique de Newton
Course Modules

Mécanique de Newton is divided into eight modules, offering in-depth exploration of Newtonian mechanics, vector calculations, ballistic motion, harmonic oscillators, and coordinate systems. Gain essential skills in scientific analysis and mathematical modeling.

Formation de l’esprit scientifique. Calculs de dérivées.

Formation de l’esprit scientifique. Calculs de dérivées.

This module lays the foundation for scientific thinking and introduces learners to derivative calculations. It provides essential knowledge to develop a scientific mindset and understand the fundamental principles of mechanics.

Cinématique du point matériel. Calcul vectoriel.

Cinématique du point matériel. Calcul vectoriel.

Exploring the kinematics of a point particle and vector calculations, this module offers a detailed understanding of motion. Learners will gain insights into the behavior of objects in motion and develop proficiency in vector analysis.

Les lois de Newton. Balistique.

Les lois de Newton. Balistique.

This module delves into Newton's laws and their application to ballistic motion, providing a comprehensive understanding of the behavior of objects in the presence of external forces. Learners will gain practical insights into applying these laws to real-world scenarios.

Action et réaction. Balistique avec frottement.

Action et réaction. Balistique avec frottement.

Building on Newton's laws, this module explores action, reaction, and ballistic motion in the presence of friction. Learners will gain a deeper understanding of the complex interactions between forces and motion, preparing them for advanced studies in mechanics.

Objectifs de la dynamique. Oscillateur harmonique.

Objectifs de la dynamique. Oscillateur harmonique.

Focusing on the objectives of dynamics and the behavior of harmonic oscillators, this module provides a comprehensive understanding of oscillatory motion. Learners will gain essential skills for analyzing dynamic systems and their behavior.

Accélération normale et tangentielle. Mouvement circulaire, vitesse angulaire.

Accélération normale et tangentielle. Mouvement circulaire, vitesse angulaire.

This module introduces learners to normal and tangential acceleration, circular motion, and angular velocity. It offers in-depth insights into the principles governing various types of motion, equipping learners with a holistic understanding of dynamic systems.

Coordonnées cylindriques et sphériques. Vitesse et accélération.

Coordonnées cylindriques et sphériques. Vitesse et accélération.

Exploring coordinate systems, velocity, and acceleration in cylindrical and spherical coordinates, this module provides a comprehensive understanding of motion analysis. Learners will develop proficiency in analyzing complex motion in different coordinate systems.



The final module concludes the course by summarizing the key learnings and providing closure to the comprehensive study of Newtonian mechanics. Learners will have the opportunity to reflect on their journey and consolidate their understanding of the course material.

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