
Villes africaines I: Introduction à la planification urbaine

École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne

Villes africaines I: Introduction à la planification urbaine provides a thorough understanding of urban planning in the context of African cities. This course delves into the technical, environmental, social, economic, and symbolic aspects of urban development. Through a series of engaging modules, learners will explore the urbanization process in Africa, the challenges and opportunities it presents, and the strategies for sustainable and inclusive urban development.

Key topics include the global impact of urbanization, sustainable urban development, urban infrastructure, land use, urban planning strategies, and the governance and financing of cities. Participants will gain valuable insights into the unique features and complexities of African cities, making this course essential for anyone interested in urban planning, development, and sustainable growth in African urban environments.

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Villes africaines I: Introduction à la planification urbaine
Course Modules

Villes africaines I: Introduction à la planification urbaine offers a comprehensive exploration of urban planning in African cities, covering technical, environmental, social, economic, and symbolic dimensions.

Urbanisation en Afrique

Villes africaines I: Introduction à la planification urbaine provides a comprehensive overview of the urbanization process in Africa. Learners will explore the challenges and opportunities presented by rapid urban growth, gaining insights into the unique characteristics of African cities and the implications for urban planning and development.

  • Urbanization in Africa
  • Introduction to African cities
  • Understanding urban planning

Introduction à la planification et à la ville africaine, seconde partie

This module delves into the complexities of urban planning and development in African cities, addressing key issues such as sustainable urban development, urban infrastructure, and land use. Participants will gain a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities in shaping the future of African cities.

  • Challenges and opportunities in African cities
  • Models of urbanization
  • Thematic urban issues

Les thématiques urbaines

Explore the thematic dimensions of urban development, including globalization, sustainable urban development, climate change, and urban environmental considerations. This module provides valuable insights into the multifaceted aspects of urbanization in African cities and the global impact of urban development.

  • Globalization and cities
  • Sustainable urban development
  • Climate change and urban environment

Le fonctionnement urbain

Gain comprehensive knowledge of urban functions, including urban facilities, public spaces, housing, and land issues. This module offers a detailed exploration of the functional aspects that define the urban landscape, providing essential insights for effective urban planning and development.

  • Urban facilities and public spaces
  • Housing and land issues

La planification et ses outils

Discover the essential tools and techniques of urban planning, including urban sprawl, urban planning history, strategic urban planning, and the limitations of planning. This module also includes a case study of Nouakchott, offering practical insights into urban planning challenges and strategies.

  • Urban sprawl and city planning
  • Urban planning history and strategies
  • Strategic urban planning and limitations

Le futur des villes ou comment planifier

This module explores the future of cities, focusing on urban form, accessibility, infrastructure, and the impact of climate change. Participants will gain valuable knowledge of the principles and challenges involved in shaping the future of urban environments, addressing critical issues such as mobility and sustainable urban development.

  • Urban form and accessibility
  • Infrastructure and climate change
  • Agriculture in urban settings

Les outils et les méthodes

Explore the essential tools and methods of urban planning, including urban development tools, diagnostics, basic data, GIS, and a case study of N'djamena. This module provides practical insights into the tools and techniques used in the urban planning process, offering valuable knowledge for effective urban development.

  • Urban development tools and diagnostics
  • Basic data and GIS in urban planning

Les actions de l'urbanisme opérationnel: les lotissements

This module focuses on urban operational planning, specifically the principles and processes of land development. Participants will explore the essential aspects of land development, including the considerations for optimizing infrastructure and the financial aspects of real estate investments, with practical examples.

  • Introduction to land development
  • Optimizing infrastructure through land development
  • Real estate investments and land development

Les actions de l'urbanisme opérationnel: la restructuration et les projets urbains

Delve into the challenges and strategies of urban operational planning, focusing on informal settlements, urban restructuring, and housing programs. This module provides valuable insights into the complexities of urban development and the strategies for addressing informal settlements and improving urban living conditions.

  • Informal settlements and urban restructuring
  • Housing programs in urban environments

Les coûts et les financements des villes

This module offers a comprehensive understanding of the financial aspects of urban development, addressing financing, resources, addressing, and cadastral systems. Participants will gain practical insights into the financial and administrative considerations essential for sustainable and inclusive urban development.

  • Urban development financing and resources
  • Addressing and cadastral systems in urban settings

Gouvernance: quels partenariats?

Explore the governance and partnership aspects of urban development, focusing on image analysis, decentralization, community engagement, and governance approaches. This module provides valuable knowledge of the collaborative and governance aspects essential for effective urban planning and sustainable urban development.

  • Image analysis and urban governance
  • Decentralization and community engagement
  • Urban governance approaches


This module offers a comprehensive conclusion and synthesis of the course, addressing impact measurement and providing insights from course contributors. Participants will gain a comprehensive overview of the course content and valuable perspectives on urban planning and development in African cities.

  • Measuring impact and course synthesis
  • Insights from course contributors
  • Course bibliography and additional resources
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