
Hydro, Wind & Solar power: Resources, Variability & Forecast

École Polytechnique

The "Hydro, Wind & Solar Power: Resources, Variability & Forecast" course delves into the critical aspects of renewable energy generation. Through a series of in-depth modules, participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of the resource estimation, intermittency, and forecasting of hydro, wind, and solar power. The course covers the physical causes of intermittency and seasonal variability, detailing the different modes of electricity production and their sensitivity to meteorological variations. Participants will also explore the methods and tools used for reliable forecasts of electricity production from these renewable energy sources, addressing the fundamental challenges of integration into the electricity network.

Key topics covered in this course include:

  • Basics on climate, energy, and meteorology
  • Hydro and fluvial power
  • Wind power
  • Solar power
  • Renewable energy integration and forecasting

By enrolling in this course, participants will gain valuable insights into the sustainable and evolving field of renewable energy, equipping them with the knowledge needed to contribute to the global efforts of mitigating climate change and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

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Hydro, Wind & Solar power: Resources, Variability & Forecast
Course Modules

This course consists of five modules covering the basics of climate, energy, and meteorology, hydro and fluvial power, wind power, solar power, and renewable energy integration and forecasting.

Basics on climate, energy and meteorology

This module provides an introductory overview of the relationship between climate change, renewable energies, and their impact on greenhouse gas emissions. It also covers the basics of climate, energy, and meteorology, including atmospheric circulation and variability at different latitudes and scales.

Hydro and fluvial power

Delving into the history and mechanisms of hydro and fluvial power, this module offers insights into hydro resources, variabilities, conventional hydro power, and the utilization of pumped hydro storage. Participants will also explore the load factors of hydro and engage in a quiz to test their understanding of fluvial power.

Wind power

Participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of wind power, including in-situ and remote sensing wind measurements, probability distribution functions, power curves, and wind production. The module also includes a quiz and an interactive exercise to fit a Weibull curve and a power curve.

Solar Power

This module focuses on solar power, covering components of solar radiation, factors affecting solar radiation, estimation techniques, photovoltaic module characteristics, and methods to estimate and evaluate photovoltaic production. Participants will engage in a worked problem and a quiz to test their knowledge of solar resource variability.

Renewable energy integration and forecasting

Addressing the integration of renewables in the energy system and the forecasting needs for the energy sector, this module explores energy forecasting tools, determinism, chaos, predictability, and quantifying uncertainty. Participants will gain insights into the challenges and forecasting methods for renewables integration.

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