
Investment Management with Python and Machine Learning

EDHEC Business School

The Data Science and Machine Learning for Asset Management Specialization offered by EDHEC Business School provides a comprehensive introduction to modern methods in Investment Management, emphasizing the use of data science and machine learning techniques.

Throughout the course, you will learn to write custom Python code and use existing libraries to build and analyze efficient portfolio strategies, estimate risk and return parameters, and implement supervised and unsupervised machine learning techniques to financial data sets.

  • Gain an intuitive understanding for the underlying theory behind Modern Portfolio Construction Techniques.
  • Analyze style and factor exposures of portfolios and implement robust estimates for the covariance matrix.
  • Learn the principles of supervised and unsupervised machine learning techniques to financial data sets.
  • Understand and gain hands-on experience in data analytics, visualization, and quantitative modeling applied to alternative data in finance.

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Investment Management with Python and Machine Learning
Course Modules

This specialization consists of modules covering portfolio construction and analysis with Python, advanced portfolio construction and analysis, Python and machine learning for asset management, and Python and machine-learning for asset management with alternative data sets.

Introduction to Portfolio Construction and Analysis with Python

Gain an intuitive understanding for the underlying theory behind Modern Portfolio Construction Techniques.

  • Write custom Python code to estimate risk and return parameters.
  • Utilize powerful Python optimization libraries to build scientifically and systematically diversified portfolios.
  • Build custom utilities in Python to test and compare portfolio strategies.

Advanced Portfolio Construction and Analysis with Python

Analyze style and factor exposures of portfolios and implement robust estimates for the covariance matrix.

  • Implement Black-Litterman portfolio construction analysis.
  • Implement a variety of robust portfolio construction models.

Python and Machine Learning for Asset Management

Learn the principles of supervised and unsupervised machine learning techniques to financial data sets.

  • Understand the basis of logistical regression and ML algorithms for classifying variables into one of two outcomes.
  • Utilize powerful Python libraries to implement machine learning algorithms in case studies.
  • Learn about factor models and regime switching models and their use in investment management.

Python and Machine-Learning for Asset Management with Alternative Data Sets

Learn what alternative data is and how it is used in financial market applications.

  • Become immersed in current academic and practitioner state-of-the-art research pertaining to alternative data applications.
  • Perform data analysis of real-world alternative datasets using Python.
  • Gain an understanding and hands-on experience in data analytics, visualization, and quantitative modeling applied to alternative data in finance.
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