
System Validation: Automata and behavioural equivalences

EIT Digital

Discover the complexities of software systems and the impact of communication errors through the System Validation: Automata and behavioural equivalences course. This foundational course explores the design of embedded system behavior, emphasizing the importance of structurally sound and simplified behavior for easier maintenance and adaptability.

Through discussions on behavioral equivalences, automata modeling, and powerful techniques such as equivalence reduction, you'll gain insight into precisely investigating and understanding the behavioral properties of software-controlled systems. Moreover, you'll explore the application of these insights to create concise, reliable, and maintainable software models.

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System Validation: Automata and behavioural equivalences
Course Modules

Gain insight into automata modeling, behavioral equivalences, and system validation in this foundational course. Explore modules on behavioral modeling, basic and advanced equivalences, and real-world applications.

Behavioural modelling

Learn about automata as a model for behavior and explore non-deterministic behavior. Understand the definition of automata and its applications through practical examples and exercises.

Basic behavioural equivalences

Delve into the fundamentals of basic behavioral equivalences, including strong bisimulation, trace equivalence, and branching bisimulation. Engage with book exercises to reinforce your understanding.

More behavioural equivalences

Explore more advanced behavioral equivalences such as weak trace equivalence, weak bisimulation, and transition systems with data, time, and probabilities. Apply these concepts to real-world examples in new ungraded labs.

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