
Studying Cities: Social Science Methods for Urban Research

Erasmus University Rotterdam

Welcome to Studying Cities: Social Science Methods for Urban Research, a comprehensive course by the Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS), Erasmus University Rotterdam. Discover the fundamental steps of the research cycle, with a focus on urban and local development. This course provides a solid foundation for future research endeavors, emphasizing the understanding and evaluation of key scientific research components.

  • Gain insight into problem statements, research objectives, and the empirical cycle
  • Learn about theoretical framework and operationalization
  • Explore various research strategies, including surveys, experiments, and case studies
  • Understand quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis

Enhance your knowledge through video lectures, reading assignments, quizzes, and a final peer review. Whether you are pursuing a Master-level program or seeking to enhance your research skills, this course offers valuable guidance and practical tools.

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Studying Cities: Social Science Methods for Urban Research
Course Modules

This course consists of modules focusing on the research cycle, theoretical framework, research strategies, data collection, and data analysis, providing comprehensive coverage of essential urban research methods.

Research Topic

Module 1 introduces the course with a focus on the research topic, problem statements, research objectives, the empirical cycle, and research questions. Engage in reading assignments, quizzes, and peer interactions to build a strong foundation in urban research methods.

Theoretical Framework and Operationalization

Module 2 delves into the theoretical framework and operationalization, covering literature reviews, conceptualization, and the development of conceptual frameworks. Explore the importance of operationalization and gain insights into different understandings of conceptualization.

Research Strategies

Module 3 explores various research strategies, including validity and reliability, surveys, experiments, case studies, and desk research. Learn to choose suitable strategies and understand the significance of different research approaches in urban and local development.

Quantitative and Qualitative Data

Module 4 focuses on quantitative and qualitative data collection, covering sampling, primary and secondary data collection, constructing questionnaires, and conducting interviews. Gain practical knowledge and skills in gathering essential data for urban research.

Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis

Module 5 addresses quantitative and qualitative data analysis, including data management, coding, and analysis methods. Learn to prepare and analyze both primary and secondary quantitative data, as well as qualitative data, essential for evaluating urban and local development issues.

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