
Fundamentos da Gestão do Sucesso do Cliente

Fundação Instituto de Administração

Discover the intricate art of Customer Success Management in this immersive course. Learn to maximize value through subscription-based models, co-create business objectives with clients, and nurture long-term relationships. Explore the multidisciplinary role of a Customer Success Specialist and comprehend the fundamental principles driving customer-centric strategies.

  • Gain in-depth knowledge of subscription-based business models
  • Understand the significance of co-creating value with clients
  • Master the competencies required for Customer Success Specialists
  • Explore the vital elements shaping successful customer experiences

Certificate Available ✔

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Fundamentos da Gestão do Sucesso do Cliente
Course Modules

This course comprises four modules that delve into subscription-based business models, customer-centric strategies, competencies for specialists in customer success, and the essential elements of successful customer experiences.

O Mundo dos Negócios das Subscrições

This module immerses you in the world of subscription-based business models. Explore the transition from product-based to service-based models, understand the significance of recurring revenue, and identify available business models to maximize value for your organization.

A Organização Centrada na Jornada do Cliente

Unlock the power of co-creating value with clients in this module. Learn to identify and discuss business objectives with clients, map and monitor their journey and experience with your service, and effectively utilize corporate resources to deliver value.

As Competências do Especialista no Sucesso do Cliente

Delve into the multidisciplinary role of a Customer Success Specialist in this module. Gain insights into client relationships, business objective management, the intersection of technology and business, market analysis, and talent acquisition for the role.

Principais Elementos do Sucesso do Cliente

Explore the fundamental principles shaping successful customer experiences in this module. Understand the ten laws of Customer Success, learn to guide relationship responsibilities, metrics, and value, and cultivate a customer-centric mindset within your organization.

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