
Inteligência Artificial Aplicada ao CRM

Fundação Instituto de Administração

Embark on a transformative journey into the world of customer relationship management (CRM) powered by artificial intelligence (AI) with the course "Inteligência Artificial Aplicada ao CRM." This integrated program explores the evolution of consumer experiences through technology, delving into the impact of smartphones, social media, and the internet on customer engagement. As businesses adapt to the demands of this dynamic market, they harness big data and AI technologies to tailor unique experiences, enhancing brand engagement and driving revenue.

Throughout the course, you will gain insights into crucial concepts surrounding CRM and learn to seamlessly integrate AI technologies into effective customer relationship management. From understanding the significance of data analysis to leveraging advanced AI models for predictive analytics, each module equips you with the knowledge and skills to navigate the intersection of consumer-centric strategies and technological advancements.

Equip yourself with the tools to harness the power of data and AI, ultimately enhancing customer satisfaction and organizational competitiveness in a globalized landscape. Join this program to unlock the potential of AI-driven CRM, and revolutionize your approach to customer engagement.

Certificate Available ✔

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Inteligência Artificial Aplicada ao CRM
Course Modules

Explore the comprehensive modules of "Inteligência Artificial Aplicada ao CRM" to gain in-depth insights into customer-centric strategies, data analytics, and the integration of AI technologies.

CRM, Dados e o Futuro Centrado no Cliente

Navigate the evolution of consumer-centric strategies and the role of data in reshaping customer relationships. This module delves into the significance of data analysis, emphasizing its pivotal role in effective customer management.

Introdução à Ciência e Engenharia de Dados

Discover the pivotal role of data in modern business operations and the emergence of data science in leveraging the potential of available data. Gain insights into the comprehensive scope of data science and essential project methodologies.

Ferramentas para Ciência de Dados: Introdução ao R

Uncover the diverse analytical tools shaping the data science landscape, with a focus on the fundamentals of the R programming language. Master the usage of R and its application in data analysis, visualization, and manipulation.

Fundamentos de IA Aplicados ao CRM

Embark on a journey through the fundamentals of AI applied to CRM, exploring pivotal concepts such as Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and AI. Delve into the utilization of data-driven decision-making and predictive analytics for enhanced customer engagement.

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