
Liderança e Sociedade

Fundação Instituto de Administração

Liderança e Sociedade is a dynamic program that delves into the complexities of leadership in modern organizational settings. This course provides invaluable insights into the challenges faced by leaders, emphasizing the need for constant adaptation and growth.

Participants will engage in a transformative learning experience, gaining expertise in crucial aspects such as constructing a leader's identity, honing leadership skills, navigating organizational politics, and managing career progression.

  • Enhance leadership capabilities
  • Navigate the organizational political landscape
  • Improve communication with teams, peers, superiors, and strategic partners
  • Develop partnerships and manage leadership and management roles

Equip yourself with the skills and knowledge essential for effective leadership in today's dynamic business environment.

Certificate Available ✔

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Liderança e Sociedade
Course Modules

Liderança e Sociedade features four modules that cover identity construction, leadership development, political navigation, and career evolution, providing comprehensive training for leadership in modern organizations.

Construção da Identidade de Líder

This module focuses on constructing a leader's identity within the contemporary organizational landscape. Participants will explore the unique pressures faced by leaders and the necessity of reevaluating leadership profiles to select and assess potential leaders.

  • Enhance leadership performance
  • Develop a reputation as a leader and manager

Desenvolvimento do Líder

Participants will delve into the challenges of developing leadership in demanding and complex environments. This module offers insights into diagnosing one's leadership development stage, structuring development actions, and monitoring the progress.

  • Conduct a self-assessment of leadership and management stage
  • Develop a plan for leadership development
  • Monitor leadership and management development

Trânsito na Arena Política da Organização

This module provides an understanding of the political arena within organizations and its implications for leadership. Participants will gain awareness of political skills and learn to support team members and peers in developing these skills.

  • Recognize the organizational political landscape
  • Enhance political skills
  • Support team and peer political skill development

Evolução na Carreira de Liderança

Exploring the evolution of leadership careers, this module emphasizes the progression to increasingly complex positions and the challenges they present. Participants will learn to prepare for career advancement and analyze their current position's delivery level.

  • Prepare for the next career stage
  • Analyze delivery level in the current position
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