
Teoria Geral da Administração para Executivos

Fundação Instituto de Administração

The course Teoria Geral da Administração para Executivos, offered by Fundação Instituto de Administração, delivers a comprehensive understanding of general administration through 5 modules. The course covers essential topics such as the foundations of knowledge, classical school, modernity, and organizational performance.

Each module consists of engaging recorded lectures accompanied by detailed slide presentations. Students gain insights into topics like administration, organizations, management theories, and the modern organization, among others. The course concludes with a battery of tests to assess the students' understanding of the material.

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Teoria Geral da Administração para Executivos
Course Modules

Teoria Geral da Administração para Executivos comprises 5 modules covering the foundations of knowledge, classical school, modernity, and organizational performance. Each module features recorded lectures and detailed slide presentations, culminating in a series of tests.

Bases do Conhecimento.

The Bases do Conhecimento module provides an introduction to administration, organizations, and various management theories. It covers essential topics such as the foundations of knowledge and concludes with a discussion session.

Escola Clássica.

The Escola Clássica module delves into topics like administration, scientific management, the administrative process by Henri Fayol, and Max Weber's bureaucratic theory. The module concludes with a thorough discussion.


The Modernidade module covers the creation of modern organizations, systemic thinking, organizational images, knowledge management, organizational learning, and the role of managers. It also includes presentations on quality management and concludes with a discussion session.

Desempenho das Organizações.

The Desempenho das Organizações module explores tools for quality, efficiency, effectiveness, and the Japanese model of administration. The module concludes with a discussion session, providing a comprehensive understanding of organizational performance.

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