
Machine Learning for Trading

Google Cloud & New York Institute of Finance

This 3-course Specialization from Google Cloud and New York Institute of Finance (NYIF) is designed for finance professionals and Machine Learning experts looking to apply their craft to quantitative trading strategies.

  • Understand the structure and techniques used in machine learning, deep learning, and reinforcement learning strategies.
  • Learn to develop and test ML-driven trading strategies.
  • Explore the application of Keras and Tensorflow in building machine learning models.
  • Gain insight into the concepts of trend, returns, stop-loss, and volatility in trading.
  • Design and back test various quantitative trading strategies using machine learning models.
  • Explore reinforcement learning strategies for trading and understand their benefits and methods for optimization.

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Machine Learning for Trading
Course Modules

This course covers the fundamentals of trading, machine learning techniques in finance, and reinforcement learning strategies, empowering learners to develop and test ML-driven trading strategies.

Introduction to Trading, Machine Learning & GCP

Introduction to Trading, Machine Learning & GCP

  • Understand the fundamentals of trading and the concepts of trend, returns, stop-loss, and volatility.
  • Define quantitative trading and explore various quantitative trading strategies.
  • Learn about the application of machine learning in financial use cases.

Using Machine Learning in Trading and Finance

Using Machine Learning in Trading and Finance

  • Design basic quantitative trading strategies and build machine learning models using Keras and Tensorflow.
  • Develop and back test pair trading and momentum-based trading models.

Reinforcement Learning for Trading Strategies

Reinforcement Learning for Trading Strategies

  • Understand the structure and techniques used in reinforcement learning strategies.
  • Explore the benefits of using reinforcement learning vs. other learning methods in trading.
  • Develop, test, and optimize reinforcement learning trading strategies.
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