
Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine

Google Cloud

The Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine specialization provides comprehensive training on implementing solutions using Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE). You will learn to build, schedule, load balance, and monitor workloads, as well as provide persistent storage to applications. The course covers essential aspects such as discovery of services, managing role-based access control and security, and leveraging various Google Cloud storage options.

Throughout the specialization, you will explore the foundational principles of Google Cloud products and services, the components and architecture of Kubernetes, and the role of the kubectl command. By the end, you will be proficient in creating and using deployments, services, load balancers, and different Kubernetes storage abstractions. Additionally, you will gain expertise in defining Identity and Access Management roles for GKE, implementing logging in Kubernetes, and utilizing Google Cloud Managed Storage Services with GKE. The course also delves into using CI/CD with GKE to streamline the development and deployment processes.

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Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine
Course Modules

This specialization consists of modules covering Google Cloud fundamentals, the foundations of GKE, GKE workloads, and GKE production. Students will gain expertise in infrastructure organization, Kubernetes architecture, load balancing, security, and CI/CD.

Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure

Module 1: Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure

  • Identify the purpose and value of Google Cloud products and services
  • Define how infrastructure is organized and controlled in Google Cloud
  • Explain how to create a basic infrastructure in Google Cloud
  • Select and use Google Cloud storage options

Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine: Foundations

Module 2: Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine: Foundations

  • Understand the difference among Google Cloud compute platforms
  • Understand the components and architecture of Kubernetes
  • Store container images in Container Registry

Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine: Workloads

Module 3: Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine: Workloads

  • Understand the role of the kubectl command
  • Create and use deployments, and create run jobs and cron jobs
  • Create services and use load balancers to expose services to external clients
  • Understand and work with different Kubernetes storage abstractions

Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine: Production

Module 4: Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine: Production

  • Define Identity and Access Management roles for GKE, as well as Kubernetes pods security policies
  • Understand how logging is implemented in Kubernetes, and how GKE extends that basic functionality using Google Cloud's operations suite
  • Use Google Cloud Managed Storage Services with GKE
  • Use CI/CD with GKE
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