
Building Transformations and Preparing Data with Wrangler in Cloud Data Fusion

Google Cloud

This self-paced lab, "Building Transformations and Preparing Data with Wrangler in Cloud Data Fusion," provides hands-on experience with the Wrangler plugin in the Google Cloud console. You'll learn to create a pipeline for ingesting data from a CSV file and apply transformations using Wrangler directives.

  • Gain practical skills in using Wrangler to perform point-and-click transformations.
  • Explore Wrangler's CLI interfaces for applying transformations efficiently.
  • Understand how Wrangler encapsulates transformations and enables grouping tasks into manageable blocks.
  • Learn to leverage the "Swiss Army Knife" plugin for comprehensive data transformation.

Certificate Available ✔

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Building Transformations and Preparing Data with Wrangler in Cloud Data Fusion
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