
Creating Business Value with Data and Looker

Google Cloud

Explore the world of data in the cloud and Looker to become a proficient Looker Developer. This comprehensive series delves into the management of cloud data, Looker Modeling Language (LookML), and creating business value through data. Throughout the course, you’ll learn to analyze and visualize data, create near real-time data visualizations, and use the Looker Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for modifying LookML projects. The curriculum empowers you to enable self-serve data exploration, analysis, and visualization to address organizational needs.

  • Gain insights into the value of data and its impact on customer experiences
  • Learn about Google Cloud data management solutions and their accessibility to a workforce
  • Develop skills in using Looker tools to empower organizations through data exploration and visualization

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Creating Business Value with Data and Looker
Course Modules

This course includes modules on innovating with data and Google Cloud, analyzing and visualizing data in Looker, and developing data models with LookML.

Innovating with Data and Google Cloud

Examine the impact of data on customer experiences and explore Google Cloud data management solutions. Learn how Google Cloud products have made data more useful and accessible to a workforce.

Analyzing and Visualizing Data in Looker

Discover how to analyze and visualize data in Looker using dimensions, measures, filters, and pivots. Create advanced metrics with table calculations, and develop visualizations using Looks and dashboards.

Developing Data Models with LookML

Understand LookML basic terms and building blocks, modify LookML projects using the Looker Integrated Development Environment (IDE) and project version control. Create dimensions and measures to curate data attributes for business users and design Explores to make data accessible. Optimize SQL query performance using caching and datagroups in Looker.

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