
Developing Applications with Google Cloud: Foundations

Google Cloud

In this comprehensive course, you will delve into the foundations of application development on Google Cloud. Through a series of engaging lectures and hands-on labs, you will learn best practices for cloud applications, including selecting appropriate compute and data options for different use cases.

From authentication and authorization to deployment, continuous integration, and monitoring, this course equips you with the essential knowledge and skills to build and run applications effectively on Google Cloud. The modules cover a range of topics, including handling authentication and authorization, adding intelligence to your application, deploying applications, and monitoring and performance tuning.

  • Gain insights into cloud application development best practices
  • Understand data storage options and their use cases
  • Learn about authentication and authorization methods
  • Explore generative AI and its applications
  • Discover deployment options and continuous integration
  • Master monitoring and performance tuning for applications

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Developing Applications with Google Cloud: Foundations
Course Modules

This course consists of modules covering best practices for cloud application development, getting started with Google Cloud development, data storage options, authentication and authorization, adding intelligence to applications, deploying applications, compute options, and monitoring and performance tuning.


The course begins with an introduction to the fundamentals of developing applications on Google Cloud, providing an overview of the key concepts and objectives.

Best Practices for Cloud Application Development

Explore best practices for cloud application development, covering essential strategies and considerations to ensure efficient and secure application development in the cloud environment.

Getting Started with Google Cloud Development

Get started with Google Cloud development by learning about Cloud APIs, the Google Cloud SDK, Cloud CLI, Cloud Client Libraries, and Cloud Shell and Cloud Code. This module equips you with the necessary tools and knowledge to initiate development on Google Cloud.

Data Storage Options

Understand the various data storage options available on Google Cloud, including Cloud Storage, databases, BigQuery, Memorystore, and their respective use cases. Dive into a lab to practice storing application data in a real-world scenario.

Handling Authentication and Authorization

Learn about handling authentication and authorization, including Cloud IAM, authenticating to Google APIs and Service Accounts, choosing authentication methods, and using Secret Manager to secure your applications.

Adding Intelligence to Your Application

Discover how to add intelligence to your applications through pre-trained machine learning models and generative AI. Engage in a lab to incorporate user authentication and intelligence into your application.

Deploying Applications

Explore the deployment of applications, covering continuous integration and delivery, containers, building application images, and other key aspects of deploying applications effectively on Google Cloud.

Compute Options for Your Application

Delve into the various compute options for your applications, including Compute Engine, Google Kubernetes Engine, Cloud Run, and Cloud Functions. Compare these options and understand their suitability for different application scenarios.

Monitoring and Performance Tuning

Learn about monitoring and performance tuning for applications running on Google Cloud, including Google Cloud's Operations Suite, logging, error reporting, and managing performance. Engage in a lab to deploy and maintain your application effectively.

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