
Google Cloud Compute and Scalability for Azure Professionals

Google Cloud

Google Cloud Compute and Scalability for Azure Professionals is the second installment of a comprehensive series tailored for cloud architects and engineers with existing Azure expertise. Through a meticulous comparison of Google Cloud and Azure solutions, this course equips learners with the knowledge and practical skills required to proficiently handle compute resources and load balancing in Google Cloud.

The course delves into creating and configuring Compute Engine instances, elucidating the disparities between Google Cloud images and Azure Custom Images, and scrutinizing the nuances of Cloud Load Balancing vis-à-vis Azure Load Balancers. Furthermore, learners will gain insight into managed instance groups (MIGs) and their application.

  • Develop and configure a Compute Engine instance in Google Cloud.
  • Discern the variances between Google Cloud images and Azure Custom Images.
  • Compare and contrast Cloud Load Balancing with Azure Load Balancers.
  • Explain the functionality of managed instance groups (MIGs) and how to leverage them.

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Google Cloud Compute and Scalability for Azure Professionals
Course Modules

This course comprises modules on Virtual Machines in Google Cloud and Load Balancing and Managed Instance Groups in Google Cloud, offering a comprehensive exploration of compute resources and load balancing.

Virtual Machines in Google Cloud

The module on Virtual Machines in Google Cloud provides in-depth insights into creating and managing virtual machines, offering Azure professionals a seamless transition to Google Cloud. Learners will gain practical experience in configuring Compute Engine instances and understanding their differences from Azure counterparts.

Load Balancing and Managed Instance Groups in Google Cloud

The Load Balancing and Managed Instance Groups module explores the intricacies of load balancing in Google Cloud, drawing parallels with Azure Load Balancers. Participants will gain proficiency in managing load balancing and delve into the functionality and utilization of managed instance groups (MIGs) in Google Cloud.

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